6th November 2023
Bertie Woodcock and the team from Student Activities are carrying out some research that looks to improve accommodation for international students. They would like home students and international students to complete the survey, linked in this article.
Using your opinions, the team hope that they can help to improve integration of people into university life. They will also work to provide more protection for students from crime when living in university accommodation.
The survey is anonymous and shouldn’t take long to complete – for most people, it will take only 16 clicks. In addition to the survey, there is a participant form you can download below which offers full details of the research being carried out.
The survey about accommodation can be taken here. The participant form can be downloaded below.
There is a different survey for those living in mainland China.
This survey is for students living in accommodation owned by the university: https://bertiewoodcock.typeform.com/to/P8sEjd
This survey is for students living in privately owned accommodation: https://bertiewoodcock.typeform.com/to/MYQmRH
For advice and guidance on any of the issues discussed in the survey, you can access support from the Student Support Services (by emailing advice@liverpool.ac.uk). Alternatively you can get support from the Guild Advice Service (by emailing guildadv@liverpool.ac.uk).
If you have any questions or queries about the survey, you can contact Bertie Woodcock, by emailing them at R.Woodcock.liverpool.ac.uk.
Featured Image Credit: Study Abroad