6th November 2023
What’s up, Doc?
Well, Bugs, ICD (International Carrot Day) is fast approaching, so you’d better, er, hop to it and organise those celebrations! Yes, lachanophiles (that’s veggie lovers to you and me) worldwide rejoice annually on 4 April. This year, the date coincides with Easter Sunday: double the reason to ditch those carrot sticks and treat yourself, your family, and your friends (even the four-legged kind) to some baked goodies instead. All hail the humble carrot!
The traditional treat, in palm-sized portions; perfect for a doorstep Easter treat, or as ballast in a hamper for a picnic of six. This version is moist, subtly spiced, and topped with clouds of cream cheese frosting. Happily, it takes under an hour to make (and even less time to eat!). Try topping with a sugarwork carrot for some extra chic.
Carrot Count: 3. | Difficulty Level: Beginner. | Serves: 12 to 16.
Find the recipe here.
Did you know?: The Celts used to refer to the carrot as ‘Honey Underground’, due to its incredible sweetness. In the vegetable world, the carrot comes second only to beetroot in terms of naturally occurring sugar content.
The beloved of lockdown baking, given the vitamin A star treatment. Adding shredded carrot to the loaf not only improves its colour and consistency, it justifies you eating that second slice: after all, it’s made with two of your 5-a-day, right? Chef Mel, meanwhile, likes to refer to her creation as showcasing ‘vegetables in the dreamiest form possible.’
Carrot Count: 2-3. | Difficulty Level: Beginner. | Yield: 1 loaf.
Find the recipe here.
Double-layered fudgy lusciousness, courtesy of master baker Sandra Vungi-Pohlak. And all in vegan form, too! Sandra claims that her creations taste even better the next day, the flavours left to develop as they settle in the fridge overnight. However, as this would require some Lent-level willpower, it’s unlikely you’ll get the chance to confirm.
Carrot Count: 8. | Difficulty Level: Beginner. | Serves 12.
Find the recipe here.
Did you know?: Nutritionists have found that a single carrot provides the average person with enough energy to walk a mile. The Proclaimers, take heed…
A Mediterranean confectionery originating from Merzin in Turkey, cezerye are essentially truffles with a twist. Their name derives from the Arabic jazriyya, meaning ‘with carrot’: they are balls of caramelised carrot paste studded with nut nibs and rolled in ample quantities of desiccated coconut. Vaunted as an aphrodisiac, it’s a much cheaper option than oysters: this particular option needs only 5 ingredients. Serefe!
Carrot Count: 3. | Difficulty Level: Beginner. | Serves: 6.
Find the recipe here.
Did you know?: Orange-coloured carrots were first cultivated by the Dutch in honour of their ruling family, the House of Orange. Imagine if those of the Gold Coast had been just as patriotic.
Take some wisdom from the bottom of the world, with this Australian recipe which transforms the American classic. As the name suggests, it’s a love-child of the carrot cake and the pop tart: carrotty gooed-ness stuffed into a crisp, crimped shell. The recipe is slightly more involved than the above (and includes a couple of more niche ingredients to achieve a gluten-free end result), making it perfect fare for some procrasti-baking as your essay lies unwritten…
Carrot Count: 1. | Difficulty Level: Advanced. | Serves: 6.
Find the recipe here.
Did you know?: The heaviest carrot ever recorded weighed in, back in 1998, at over 8 kilograms. Cor- what a lot of carrot!
More 5-ingredient fare, just paw-fect for the furred friend in your life. The result is the kind of Scooby Snack the crime-fighting canine could only dream of…
Carrot Count: 1-2. | Difficulty Level: Intermediate. | Serves: 1 hungry hound over 5-7 days.
Find the recipe here.
Did you know?: Carrot leaves once served as a fashion statement. They were used to decorate the ’dos of 17th-century English aristocrats. Aah, the carrot and the quiff approach…
Featured image credit: Unsplash
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