6th November 2023
The novel, written by Delia Owens, is set in 1950s and 60s South Carolina. The protagonist Kya, lives in the marshes. She is alone and is scarred by her childhood. The lifestyle she leads is self-sufficient yet feral and she shocks those around her. Those around her live in the town just up from the marshes. Consequently, it feels very them against Kya at times. As a result, the story is very much focused on how people are ‘othered’ and isolated. It follows the ups and downs of her life alone, and with the few others she lets into her life. The twists and turns of the story are extremely interesting. A murder plot underpins the seemingly innocent story of an abandoned child…
Kya’s relationship with Jumpin’ and his wife Mabel is endearing as they They provide Kya with supplies which keep her alive. Therefore, their kindness is obvious. Due to this, their rapport stays with Kya for the rest of her life. Jumpin’ becomes a Father like friendly figure to her, and she loves him dearly.
The novel is eye opening and a very good read. Give it a read if you want a new genre to dig into. Deep South Culture drips through every word and page. Available to buy on Amazon!