On the 17th March 2020 it’s the celebration of St Paddy’s Day, more formally known as St Patrick’s Day and we’re here to share some green themed beverages to get you in the (Irish) holiday spirit!
Whether you are a person who absolutely loves alcohol , the one who likes a few drinks, or teetotal, these make-your-own cocktails might be just what you are looking for.
Combine the lime juice, sugar and mint leaves in a jug, crushing the mint leaves as you go. You may need to use a rolling pin to help you crush the mint leaves, but if you have no rolling pin, just crush the leaves in a blender beforehand.
Pour into any glass you want to and add ice.
Pour the rum into the glasses (if you do not drink alcohol you can just add more soda water, or an elderflower cordial) and stir with a straw until combined, add soda water to taste and top with a sprig of mint.
1/4 of simple syrup (you can make this by combining both sugar and water to a pan and waiting for the sugar to dissolve when stirring the water over medium heat)
Irish Whiskey (depending on your own taste)
A tiny drop of green food colouring
Extra limes to garnish.
Combine ingredients making sure that all the ingredients are shaken well, then strain over ice.
Garnish with a lime wedge and any decoration specific to St Patricks Day (e.g. shamrock stirrer).
2 packs of digestive biscuits (leave a pack for garnish)
1 tub of vanilla ice cream
Half a bottle of chocolate milk
Half a bottle of Baileys
Chocolate syrup for drizzling
Get your glasses ready, and on two plates pour your melted chocolate onto one plate, then put your digestive biscuits (which you need to crush) on another.
After you’ve done this, dip the rim of each of each glass in the melted chocolate, then roll it around in the crushed biscuits.
Scoop ice-cream into each glass and top with chocolate milk. Then add some Bailey’s. (However, if you are a non-alcoholic, add more chocolate milk to your glass).
Grill your marshmallows for 4 mins until they have that scorched look.
Top your drinks with these marshmallows, while drizzling the chocolate sauce on top.
Garnish with the remainder of the digestive biscuits.
Now you’ve got the cocktail recipe’s I hope you have a great time making them, and have a good St Paddy’s Day! As the Irish would say Sláinte (pronounced ‘slawn-che’) meaning cheers!
To find out the best food and drinks that Liverpool has to offer, and tasty recipes, check out some of our other articles!