Are you snowed under with revision and in need of a well-deserved study break? Or are you just looking for a fun and festive treat to get you and your housemates in the Christmas spirit?
Well we have an easy but impressive gingerbread recipe that is sure to pass the time while you count down the days until Christmas.
12 oz plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 teaspoons of ginger
4 oz butter
6 oz dark brown sugar
4 tablespoons golden syrup
1 egg
Image Credit: Author
First, preheat the oven at 180 degrees.
Mix the plain flour, bicarbonate of soda and ginger together in a bowl.
Then rub in the butter, so that it all binds together.
Mix in the sugar, making sure it is well dispersed throughout the mixture.
Crack the egg into the bowl (make sure no shell creeps in!), and then add the syrup.
Use your hands to knead the mixture together into a dough.
Sprinkle flour onto the counter (or a chopping board if you’re trying not to be too messy) and roll the dough out until it is approximately the thickness of a pound coin.
Use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of the dough – they don’t have to be gingerbread men shapes, I was just feeling basic when I made mine.
Once you’ve used up all the dough, place the baking trays in the oven and allow the gingerbread to bake for 10-15 minutes, until it is golden – times can also vary depending on whether you’re trying to achieve a soft doughy biscuit, or a crunchy one with a good snap!
Once the gingerbread has cooked, allow them to cool before decorating them however you like.
When decorating your biscuits, you could keep it simple (like me) or go crazy to show off your creative streak!
Image Credit: Author – The final result!
If baking isn’t for you, but you still want to get into the festive spirit, you could always try a gingerbread house kit like this one from Lidl.
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