Halloween is now over and you’re wondering what to to with all those leftover pumpkins. Or do you really need something to cheer you up from the freezing weather in Liverpool? Well, we have just the thing – a soothing winter warmer of pumpkin soup, perfect for these cold winter nights.
So, read on for an easy soup recipe that can be adapted for any veg you have in the fridge.
Image Credit: The Author – Pumpkin
Olive Oil
Half a pumpkin cut into chunks (Optional – marinated in cinnamon and nutmeg overnight)
1 Diced Onion
1 Clove of Garlic
200ml Cream
600ml Vegetable Stock
Bread Rolls/ Loaf of bread
STEP 1: Make sure you’re using a fairly large saucepan as this makes quite a lot of soup.
STEP 2: Oil your saucepan.
STEP 3: Once the pan is hot, add in the onions and garlic.
STEP 4: When the onions are soft, add in the pumpkin chunks.
STEP 5: Make sure to keep stirring the mixture and wait for your pumpkin to soften (this can take between 8-12 minutes or longer depending how big you cut your chunks).
STEP 6: Next, add the vegetable stock, bring it the boil and then leave it to simmer. At this stage you can add any spices of your choice but if you marinated your pumpkin, there’s no need as the spices will infuse into the mixture.
Image Credit: The Author – Pumpkin Soup
STEP 7: Add in the cream and once again, bring to the boil and stir the mixture.
Image Credit: The Author – Pumpkin Soup
STEP 8: Once everything is soft and well combined, you can now blend this with a hand mixer or a blender which is suitable to hold hot liquids.
Image Credit: The Author – Roasted Vegetables
STEP 9:Serve with bread and/or roasted vegetables like we did – roast your veg for 20-30 mins at 200 degrees/Gas Mark 4 in the oven with oil and garlic!
STEP 10: Enjoy!
Image Credit: The Author – Pumpkin Soup
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